Slipping into Autumn

Well, the time, she flies so fast. Already we are into the autumn weather in all its glory! Here in New York, you can feel it in the air and see it up and down every block. Leaves are changing color or are gone altogether, summer flowers grow gangly in their city plots. The gingko trees are dropping their vomit-scented pods and the squirrels are digging furiously in the city parks, stashing acorns and pinecones in the most obvious places. No privacy here; each squirrel for himself! Lincoln (that's my dog) likes torturing squirrels but could care less about pigeons. When he’s in the country he’ll chase geese but mostly he likes chasing the four-legged critters.
In the city, it’s still nice enough to sit outside in the evenings for dinner or drinks. You can hear snippets of peoples’ conversations. Lincoln takes his time and must read the doggie news around the block when I walk him at night so I become a voyeur and imagine the lives these seated strangers must have, telling their stories, laughing and listening to those who sit across the table. There is material for lyrics everywhere. And the streets of NYC are prime for the pickin’.
I had a fantastic time playing music in the most beautiful places this summer. I played with a couple of cowboys in Indian Valley, near Taylorsville, CA, and worked out harmonies with my girlfriend Sally’s dog, Patch, who is a real crooner.
It was great to see friends at music camp in WA this summer, per usual. Frosting on the cake: my brother came to camp for the first time! That was awesome! He can really play and sing! And the following week we continued the jam at his place around the bonfire!
I played in the Grand Canyon this fall, with my good friend Barbi. Our radical river guides brought our guitars up the hiking trails for us and showed us where the acoustics sounded best. We gave two performances! It was a very cool sound. In Crystal Canyon, the wind sounded like voices breathing through.
I am writing, writing, writing and also trying my best to figure out how to play the mandolin with tone and tune. It is a beautiful little instrument, in both looks and sound. My friend Ann Klein says it makes her happy to play it and I agree.
Dusty, the harmony trio I sing with is spending time in the studio recording getting some of our song versions recorded. Dusty and band rides again!
I have some recording projects coming up and some songwriting workshops that I will fill you in on when they have a date attached to them.
Something for Christmas and the New Year.
Gigs too!
I hope something good is happening in your life and that music keeps you company.
Much love and many thanks for being in touch about my music here and on Facebook.
Thank you! Happy Fall!