Spring, and Two New Songs

Hello all,
The seasons are changing! Quiet, cold, bright signs of spring are tentatively showing up here in New York.
There have been bonafide sightings of crocuses and snowbells. Very exciting!
So far in the new year I have been mostly writing and working on new material. The beginning of a new year is always a good time for that.
We had a full band gig in Philadelphia at the Tin Angel in mid-January. It was fun working there again. My band sounded like a well-oiled machine!
Steve Alcott, Kenny Soule, Ann Klein and Melody Berger.
We sang and played two new songs, "Bet on the Horses" and "You're Gone," both very much country. Very enjoyable!
Here's "Bet on the Horses," as performed at Tin Angel.
It's a waltz / duet / murder ballad.
I originally wrote the song for a male and female to sing together (brother and sister) but Melody and I sang it together at the Tin Angel and it sounded good that way, too!
Just goes to show, after you murder someone, you just gotta talk about it with somebody you trust!
In the spring, I will be teaching a singing class for seniors here in the city. This is something new for me, and I am really looking forward to it!
So far in the year of 2013, I have had the great good fortune of having two occasions to leave the city on music retreat. I am very grateful for the time away in nature and for the added space in my head for further developments of song and lyric. This next time is just for two days but I intend to milk it for all it's worth!
It is my intention to get back in the studio the spring to record the new songs and start acquiring a collection for a new CD.
Thanks for all your messages of good will and encouragement!
I send love to everybody and hope our musical paths meet again, soon.
Much Love,